Currently, this app is powered by offline data which is exported from Javascript files in a JSON format
Now we'll explore the fields that our models have. This could be helpful for you if you wanted to create your own backend and power the app with that data. You could either change the source code of the components to use your own attribute names or reuse the attributes that already exist.
Podcast JSON
const podcast = {
key: 'tp7',
title: 'A walk in the moon',
description: 'Finding a companion for love, can be difficult, but luckily there are methods and algorithms that you can use to optimize your chances of success. In this article I will mention a few of the algorithms you can use and questions you can ask to improve your chances of a long term successful relationship. These algorithms and questions come from mathematics, statistics and data sets that have been collected from successful relationships. Let us get started to optimizing your chances of finding that special someone.',
user: {
username: 'NASA'
photo: {
uri: ''
Episode JSON
id: '1',
name: 'Spanish Rose',
audio: require('../assets/sounds/Spanish_Rose.mp3'),
description: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.Etiam vehicula, nisl et gravida efficitur, turpis velit luctus massa, ut tempus felis dolor non turpis. Sed facilisis, ipsum a ultrices tempor, diam nunc finibus dolor, at semper ante tortor quis ligula. Aenean nec quam lobortis, suscipit nibh quis, molestie arcu. Aliquam ut sem non odio faucibus ullamcorper. Nulla posuere condimentum purus non consectetur. Donec hendrerit purus sit amet turpis tincidunt porta. Donec accumsan scelerisque tortor non volutpat. Etiam porttitor est magna, et mollis risus condimentum eget. Aliquam odio nibh, bibendum et enim a, sollicitudin ullamcorper ligula. Integer interdum orci laoreet sem ullamcorper vestibulum. Nunc semper leo in nibh vulputate pulvinar. Vestibulum lobortis molestie elementum. Donec sit amet arcu tempor, congue lacus.',
publishDate: '7 jul.',
duration: '5 min',
size: '32,6 MB',